Ok, ok...we will level with you. As Recruiters for Real Estate, we dig around on people, it's our job. Employers do it too. This includes your Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Search, Insta, YouTube, Twitter and anything else that pops up in your name.
Usually we're trying to find things that will support you in your application to jobs, like a video posted on YouTube or Facebook of you selling a house, accepting awards, people saying nice stuff about your performance and how they would recommend you to others...
Something like this:
Your footprint online is a permanent trackable record...and if it's in the "public domain", it's fair game, but could this be hurting your Job prospects? The truth is..it absolutely can if it's not appropriate...
One of the big mistakes people make on Social Media is revealing a bit too much. Too much about their side-line hustle, open-aired arguments, inappropriate images or video...but most are pretty clean and fun...very vanilla and straight up and down.
What Employers are looking for is a glimpse into who you are and how you conduct yourself online and in person. There is lots of information they can easily see that is not readily available through the normal interview process.
Most people are great advocates for their past employers throughout their Social's and this is what we like to see, especially if you have a heap of followers...
We're not suggesting you don't post...we're suggesting if you have anything that crosses the line that any employers may deem inappropriate, that you take the time to rip it down before you start Job hunting... It may get seen.
Example of what we don't want to find:
Nadia Bartel dropped by another client as ‘snorting’ video fallout continues - Story Here
Social Media is a convenient way in which we connect with the world around us and stay connected with friends, loved ones, family and meeting new people. Some people use it as a dumping ground for everything they do day-to-day. We show many sides to us on Socials like, who we are, what we are passionate about and what is going on for us at any stage in life. You may be be thinking, what on earth does this have to do with my job?
If you have to ask that...then you really do need to go through your Socials and take a look at your pages through the eyes of an Employer...

You see, an employer is not just looking to hire people on skillset and experience alone. Your Social Media can significantly impact your ability to get that job you want, and you may not even be aware a decision has been made because of something you posted yesterday or even 13 years ago...
Food for thought, is there anything on your Social Media accounts that your employer or potential employer wouldn’t want to see? If there is...is it super important to you that it stays on your Social Media for the world to review? If not...take it down...
“Part of what companies do when they search for you on social media is to see how you conduct yourself. They want to know how you’ll interact with your co-workers and more importantly their customers or potential customers,” said Kate Beston @ Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment.
Social Media can be a great place to show off your positive qualities and great personality however on the flip side going completely off the radar can also damage your reputation too." she said.
Here are some tips to ensure that Social Media can be your best friend, whether you are just entering the workforce, in a job, looking for a promotion or looking to pursue another opportunity:
Video Tips:
Tips: Post with a purpose. This means post content that represents you in a professional or academic way and shows motivation towards growing yourself personally and professionally
- Clean up your Social Media and be aware of what content you currently have. Sometimes the past can come back to bite without you remembering it. This may be an old fight with a friend from a while ago, a harsh comment on a very controversial post or even untoward behaviour that shows you in a bad light.
- Use of correct grammar and spelling. Even though this may seem quite small, the incorrect use of spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure can filter through to your work capacity. A company is looking for an employee who is well spoken, articulate and has the ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in written context. If they perceive someone to not have this skill it potentially could mean the difference between you having that job or not.
- Complaining about your current boss or company – integrity of a person is key when it comes to employment. Whether it affects you now, this has huge potential to come back with a vengeance should you wish to pursue opportunities later. If you have lost employment and bad mouth your previous employer a future employer may see this and decide that since this is behaviour you have conducted in the past, this is not the type of person they would like representing their company.
- Inappropriate photo’s and social behaviour – most of us have had a couple of big nights or may just be super proud of our rocking bodies however posting content and photos’ that show a “party” lifestyle or your body in minimal clothing can damage your reputation as well as the companies reputation.
Job Search Advice Tip provide by:
Andrew Turnbull - Founder
Placed Australia