Placed Australia - Privacy Policy
Placed Australia (A.B.N 24 139 025 131) and it's related companies, Turnbull Holdings Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Turnbull Family Trust (A.C.N 632 595 469 & A.B.N 67 347 950 357), we, our, us, is a professional Real Estate Recruitment Agency, with our head office based in Queensland Australia.
We are a business built on trust, which is why we are committed to protecting the personal information of employees, clients and candidates. We encourage you to review the statements below explaining how we collect and use information you share with us.
The Placed Australia Privacy Policy ('The Policy') outlines how we collect, disclose, use, store or otherwise handle your personal information.
1) Consent
By accessing our websites and/or submitting your personal information to us through any means including third party job boards and websites, you consent to the use and disclosure of your information as set out in the Policy.
2) Collecting your personal information
The Policy relates to personal information collected by any means. It is our usual practice to collect this personal information directly from you. However, often your personal information is collected through the use of our website or in response to our printed and online advertisements. Furthermore, there may be occasions when we receive personal information from a third party or a publicly available source.
The type of personal information we collect will depend on various factors such as the type of services you request or use and any applicable legal and regulatory obligations. This may include, but is not limited to, collection and use of the following kinds of information:
Contact information that allows us to communicate with you (e.g. e-mail, social media contact details, address, telephone number);
Identity information that allows us to identify you (e.g. name, date of birth, occupation, and government-issued identification);
Professional information that helps us to understand more about you including your employment history, qualifications, talents, skills and abilities (e.g. references, resumes, qualification documents and test results);
Financial information that allows Placed Australia to pay you should you be engaged as an employee or contractor (e.g. bank details, tax details);
Other individuals’ information we request, or that you provide, about an individual other than yourself (e.g. previous employers and referees); and
Immigration information that allows us to verify that you are legally permitted to work (e.g. evidence of citizenship, visa or work permit documents).
If you do not provide information, or the information provided is insufficient or inaccurate, this may limit our ability to provide services to you.
3) Use and disclosure of your personal information
Placed Australia collects, uses and discloses your personal information in order to enable us to perform our business activities and operate our business functions. This includes;
Assisting you in finding or retaining work;
Assisting in your career performance or management;
Analysing human resource and labour markets;
Sending you marketing communications and information relating to our services which we think may be of interest to you;
Developing tests and assessments in order to place you in appropriate roles;
Paying you should you be engaged as an employee or contractor;
Helping in work rehabilitation or career transition;
Directly marketing recruitment services to you (you have a right to opt-out from receiving direct marketing emails);
Assisting clients identify suitable candidates and/or contractors;
Providing, maintaining and improving our products and services; and
Developing new products and services.
Placed Australia may use and may disclose your personal information to third parties (located onshore or overseas) for the purposes it was collected, or for a related or ancillary purpose in connection with the performance of our business activities or operation of our business functions including but not limited to:
Placed Australia's entities;
Prospective employers;
Clients who may wish to engage your services as a contractor or temporary employee;
Our suppliers, service providers or partners, including (but not limited to) organisations that conduct competency or psychometric tests, payroll processing or other employment related services;
Your nominated referees;
Any government authority;
Any law enforcement body, including the police; and
Any educational or vocational organisations to the extent necessary to verify your qualifications.
Placed Australia is a multinational talent solutions company, sometimes operating on behalf of Employers based in different States and Countries. From time to time, it is likely that we may need to transfer your data overseas in connection with our provision of services. The country or countries to which your data may be transferred is not restricted, and may include: Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, China, countries in the EU or other countries from time to time.
4) Data quality
In circumstances where your personal information has changed or you consider it is not accurate, up to date or complete you may contact the Privacy Officer who will endeavour to update and correct the information in accordance with applicable privacy law. We may also contact you from time to time to check the information is still correct.
5) Data security & storage
Placed Australia takes reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from loss, unauthorised access, and misuse, including by means of physical and electronic security measures. Your personal information may be stored in hard copy documents, or electronically on our software or systems. If you suspect any misuse, loss or unauthorised access please contact the Privacy Officer immediately.
6) Information collected on our website
Users are advised that there are inherent risks in transmitting information across the internet. The Internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that the personal information you submit will not be intercepted by others.
Our websites may include links to external websites operated by other organisations. They may collect personal information from visitors to their site. We cannot guarantee the content or privacy practices of any external websites and do not accept responsibility for those websites.
When you access our website, we gather information about users collectively. Such information includes the areas that users visit most frequently and the services users access the most. We will only use such data anonymously and in the aggregate. By doing so, we can optimise the services it provides to you.
7) Use of cookies
This website uses cookies. A cookie is a file containing small pieces of text that a web server sends to your web browser when you access an internet site. The main purpose of cookies is to streamline your use of the website; cookies make the interaction between users and websites faster and easier.
8) Feedback submitted to us
Our websites have several areas on the site where you can submit feedback. We may use this feedback for marketing purposes, or to contact you for further feedback.
9) Contacting us
Please contact our Privacy Officer if you have a request relating to any of the following:
if you would like to request access to, or correction of, your personal information held by Placed Australia;
if you would like to opt-out from receiving direct marketing e-mails; or
general queries relating to this Policy.
10) Privacy complaints
If you have a privacy related complaint, you may address contact to the Privacy Officer at the by using the contact us area on our home page.
Your email should set out sufficient details of your complaint, including any alleged breach of applicable privacy law. Following receipt of your complaint, the Privacy Officer will consider your complaint and advise you of their determination and/or request further details.
11) Changes to this policy
We may change this Policy from time to time for any reason and will update the Policy accordingly. Any update to this Policy is effective on and from the date of publication.
Australia only: If you are living or looking for work in New South Wales we are required by law to advise you of the following:
we must not charge you a fee for the purpose of finding employment;
we must not engage in misleading or deceptive conduct (such as advertising a position as being available when we know that no such position exists, or knowingly giving misleading information to you about the nature of a position); and
if you believe that we have acted inappropriately, you may contact the Office of Fair Trading for information on possible action that may be taken.
Last updated September 2022.