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Meet the Team

Lana Turnbull - EA - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment

Lana Turnbull - Executive Assistant to Andrew Turnbull (Brisbane, QLD)

As Executive Assistant to Andrew Turnbull, Lana joins Placed Australia to assist Andrew push through a heavy workload and keep things in check.


Originally born in Kazakhstan, Lana moved to Kamchatka in Russia with her family and completed her Masters Degree in Japanese language, then moved to Japan where she spent 10 years working as a Business Development Executive for some of Japan's biggest corporations in Robotics and Factory Automation.


Lana brings a diverse skillset in Relationship Management, Advisory and Language skills with the ability to speak, read & write Russian, Japanese and English.


As a busy mum of 3 young kids under 8, and assisting Andrew day-to-day, Lana is an expert in juggling multiple things at once.


When Lana isn't working, she loves taking the kids to the beach, going for long drives and exploring coffee shops for that perfect brew...



Andrew Turnbull - Founder - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment
Andrew Turnbull - (Founder)
Real Estate Recruiter
Tia-Nikita Magdalinski - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment - Gold Coast
Tia-Nikita Magdalinski 
Real Estate Recruiter
Gold Coast & all QLD
Brandon Groves - Real Estate Recruiter - NSW - Placed Ausralia Real Estate Recruitment_edi
Brandon Groves
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all NSW
Lana Turnbull - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment
Lana Turnbull
EA, Admin
Taina Tebbi Profle Pic_edited.jpg
Tania Tebbit
Real Estate Recruiter
Gold Coast & all QLD
Jessica Roche - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment Brisbane
Jessica Roche
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all QLD
Shayna Rose - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment - Sydney
Shayna Rose
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all NSW
Alicia Maneja - Real Estate Recruiter - Placed Australia Real Estate
Alicia Maneja
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all QLD
Owen Roberts
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all NSW
Jay Baylis - Real Estate Recruiter Melbourne - Placed Australia_edited.jpg
Jay Baylis
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all VIC
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