As Australia starts to pull itself out of the 3 year COVID fiasco, Employers are left screaming for Talent to come back to the workforce and their offering more than ever before... If you are willing and able, this is the absolute best time to get yourself in the right position and maybe for a lot more money than you expected...
There is a war for Talent happening at the moment and this is the time to take full advantage of the situation before it vanishes.
We all know not everything's about money...but it helps! I usually find people with plenty of it say these things. For most of the workforce, a solid increase in their base pay can have a huge impact on the home finances and take a huge amount of pressure off...

If inflation and interest rate rises aren't enough to encourage you to get back to work, then maybe the attraction of significantly more money is, but you will have to be quick..it wont last forever!
Working in the Real Estate Recruitment space, we have been privy to some amazing placements over the last 12 months, that have seen our candidates literally crying with joy...
One lady in particular I placed 2 months ago, who came to us by referral, had spent the last 14 years in Senior Property Management on a salary of $46,000.
She was super conservative and was reluctant to make a change, but willing to have the interview. She was highly skilled after doing her role for so long, and really, she was the "perfect" fit for our client, certainly not a "Job Jumper", and after meeting her, our client loved everything about her and wanted to make her an offer...
When the client came back with the offer of $85,000 + Super + Car with a review in 6 months....she literally started to cry with joy and told me I have no idea what that pay increase has done for her young family. I admit, I teared up too. I could tell it meant a lot. I asked her if she would like to accept. She said "are you kidding...of course" and she rang me 3 times in the proceeding 3 days to keep thanking me....
This is not an isolated case, there have been lots of placements like this and were not pushing Employers to offer more money, it's simply what they are willing to pay for the right skills at the moment.
Good talent seems to have vanished from the market...but I am encouraging people to take a close look at the overall state of the market right now and consider coming back before this Job explosion runs it's course. The Job market is moving at a pace I have not seen in over a decade. As companies ramp-up to get themselves back on-track, they are left with a huge issue. Talent! Where has it gone?
With food, transport, fuel, interest rate hikes and everything we touch going through the roof in price...a few extra bucks will be a godsend. Now is the time to put your hand up.
As soon as people start to feel the pinch and start flooding back to work to make ends meet...the tables will inevitably turn...and employers wont need to battle on price for talent like they are now. This is why it's a smart decision to make the move right now an take advantage by locking in a great salary or better commission split while their available...
We have had over 14 Jobs called in in the last 24 hours... That's not us picking up the phone chasing Jobs...that's clients reaching out and asking us to please, please find someone for us. We can add that to the 124 odd Jobs were already flat out trying to fill across QLD Real Estate Sales, Sales Associates, Property Managers, Senior Property Managers, Sales Managers, Contracts Admin, Reception & more...
When we ask employers what the pay will be for the roles, they almost all say the same thing. "If it's the right person, we will pay whatever we need to, to get them onboard! Just bring us the Talent and we will do the rest."
If you are considering a move or coming back to the workforce in Queensland Real Estate, please give one of our very talented Recruiters a call today. It could be the best phone call you have made this year...
It's Your Move!