We get it, the allure of earning big money while swanning around in sleek European cars, wearing designer clothes and selling million dollar homes seems like the dream for everyone. It's true, selling Real Estate can offer you all of that and more...but 82% of people leave Real Estate just as fast as they got in...why?
How different can it be from all the TV shows? Seems easy right...but what most people don't realise is how driven the sales process is, and if you don't understand what it takes or just how intensive it is...then you will most certainly bail-out or get moved on fast...
Doing your Real Estate License is not a "Real Estate Sales Course" on how to get rich selling Real Estate. It's simply the ticket you need to understand all the legislation around the process of selling Real Estate, a bit like getting a boat license. Just because you just got your Boat license doesn't mean I'm going to let you skipper a $150k fishing boat over one of the most dangerous coastal bars in QLD to head out fishing for the day...NO! Your going to come out with me for a year first, see how I do it, and run you through all the different scenarios and how to navigate them, so you don't die, before I let you have a go... Selling Real Estate is not much different...
Even worse, we sometimes see newly licensed Agents who just got their full License, decide to open their own Agency or start working on their own with one of those DIY Prop-Tech companies.
That's like going out and getting your Boat License, swinging past the Boat Dealer on the way home and buying the $150k Boat and dropping it in at the ramp and heading straight for the Bar... I can see the news headlines now... "3 People dead after flipping their new boat in the Bar"... You wouldn't do that right, not without someone that knows what their doing yea?
So why would you dive head-first into selling Real Estate without getting guidance on what to do?

Being good at selling Real Estate all comes down to joining the right Agency, who coaches you, your natural ability to grind, your ability to sell and how to keep your pipeline full while winning listings off your competitors...
Another thing most people don't consider is how long it takes to build a business. It's super rare someone just joining the Real Estate industry finds instant success...but some do. Some people are born to put deals together...and it's about finding solutions and working around the clock until you have found all the solutions to make a deal work for all parties...
As Real Estate Recruiters, Placed Australia are always on the lookout for those individuals who are born to put deals together, understand what their getting into is not easy and that it's going to take time to build up. When they combine all this with natural sales and problem solving abilities...it works...
Their the ones we want...and if that's you, we encourage you to pick up the phone and have a chat with any one of our Recruiters who can help position you with some of the best Agencies in the country! Contact Us Here
Even better, we're after Experienced Agents that want to change or those Agents that may have started but didn't get the right training. Maybe you have a few sales under your belt already but you realise you missed vital support and guidance and your willing to make a change to get yourself into the right Agency who can support you. Luckily we have the inside scoop on all the best opportunities across the country...all you need to do is call!
Unfortunately we now live in a world where if something's not happening fast enough or easy to do or you don't like something, we are seemingly encouraged by our peers that we don't have to do it. Not one of Australia's top Agents will look favourably on that type of outlook. They will shake their heads and say "there goes another one who told us they could do it".
It takes a certain type of person to do well in Real Estate...and if you can't sell, can't motivate yourself, don't want to put in the hard yards...don't want to work around the clock, sometimes for months without pay until you put a deal together...then Real Estate is not something we recommend for you...
Selling Real Estate is not all glitz and glamour...and if you want to be really good at it, it's going to take time to learn and you will want to be with the best team you can, so you can navigate all the pitfalls and avoid silly mistakes most make without it...
If you are looking for the right opportunity in Real Estate and want to pick the brain of our specialist Recruiters, contact any one of the Team at Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment today! www.PlacedAustralia.com.au
It's Your Move...