Change is certainly in the air...and for most Real Estate Agents across Australia, it comes with a whole new set of challenges.
It's been a golden path for everyone in Real Estate up until inflation drove the Reserve Bank to increase interest rates...and this has had an immediate impact on the Property buying spree we witnessed over the past 2 years or so...
Veteran Real Estate Agents have seen this all before, and most prepared themselves knowing what their facing in the next 18 months, but there are 70% of Agents sitting tight like deer in the headlights wondering which way to turn...when they should be doubling down or making a move...
We are expecting a big flush of "flaky" Agents exiting the market in the coming 18 months and most of the top-performers we speak with are rubbing their hands together already...
If you're seeing that your buyer enquiry is coming to a grinding halt or you still have Sellers with their head in the clouds and holding tight on their sell price...you might be starting to feel the pinch in the new world of Australian Real Estate...
Most buyers want the market to cool-off before they look to start buying again, and this could create a mini Ice-Age in sales volumes. I makes sense right... Why pull the trigger on buying a property if you can hold out until prices start to drop?
Prospecting, Negotiation skills and Lead Generation is the new currency in Real Estate, and if your not that good at it, you could be starting to squirm...but, there is still an absolute fortune to be made if you shift with the times...
So what now? What do you do if you are set on being a good Sales Agent for the foreseeable future and just need to re-position yourself to ensure you're with an Agency / Team that knows how to navigate the storm? Easy, just reach out to a Recruiter @ Placed Australia and we can guide you through and set you up with the right interviews...
Understanding what you're good at and what you're not good at is the first step. Nothing is going to be as easy as the last 2 years and you may be starting to realise that Real Estate just got much harder...
Partnering and Consolidation with be 2 key terms you will see start to happen in the coming years...and it's for good reason.
Naturally, most Agents consider Real Estate as an individual sport. Of course, Real Estate accolades go to the highest performers and individuals who excel in their field, but not all "individuals" will have the stamina or backup to continue like they have been, and more and more Agents will start to look for ways to stay in the game and not just earn a living, but dominate!
Being an individual in an abundant market is attractive when it's easy. In a tough market, you need the team. Most "individuals" don't have the capacity to excel in tighter markets for too long, and they know it. You need robust and continuous marketing strategies, data mining, prospect generating and the occasional Lead doesn't hurt either...
We are starting to see it now, those Agents that sense what's around the corner are already reaching out to us to line up a coffee catch-up with Agencies that have their ducks in a row for what's ahead...
Make no mistake, it's a game of musical chairs and if you don't act now, you could be the last one standing when the music stops!
If you would like some advice or you want to find out what it could be like to make a shift and better position yourself for what's ahead, reach out to one of our expert Real Estate Recruiters today. www.placedaustralia.com.au
We Recruit: Sales Agents, Commercial Real Estate Roles, Sales Associates, Team Leaders, Property Managers, Senior Property Managers, BDM's, Trainee's, Reception, Admin Roles...and yes, on occasion we even move entire Real Estate Teams...