A Placed Australia Resume Template is designed to get you more Interviews. Yes, you will need a basic understanding of MS Word...and we have included "How To" instructions in the download Zip File. This is for people who want to do it themself. It's very easy to do...just fill in the sections with your own infomation.
The Modern Resume Template - 02 is clean and contemporary. If you want to look sophisticated...then this style will do the job nicely.
It comes with the Template pictured...along with its matching Cover Letter & Reference templates. We also threw in a few Bonus Templates and Icons forextra value.
The template becomes available to download immedaitely as soon as payment is made.
Placed Modern Resume Template - 02
Order and pay to get access to the Zip.File - Then Download. If you don't have a Zip file Downloader, you can get a free trial here Win.Zip
You need at least MS Word 2007 or newer to customize this template, as well as a basic understanding of how MS Word works.
If you don’t have MS Word! Download a free trial for both Mac and Windows here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/microsoft-365/try