Would you like to have a one-on-one with a Placed Australia Recruiter and get the inside knowledge on how to perform at your best in all your Job Hunting efforts?
Your sessions can be conducted face-to-face or over the phone or Skype.
Anyone form anywhere can do it, but it's a skill you must learn wherever you are in your career.
Once you have ordered your session, a Placed Australia Consultant will be in contact to book your time and gather your details to put everything together for you.
Placed Australia also recommends to anyone leaving School or UNI to learn these skills.
It's a great investment in yourself that will stay with you for life...
Included in the Session
1) Job Search - Where and how to look. (we can help too)2) Cold Calling - Speak directly to Employers.
3) Selling yourself - What to say when you get through.
4) Follow up - What to do after your initial contact.5) Presenting for an Interview - What to wear.
6) Interviewing - Tried and tested Interview techniques
7) Psychometric Testing - What to expect.8) Next Steps - What to do after an Interview.
9) References - Who you need to prepare to be your Reference.
It's taken us our entire Recruitment careers to accumulate all this knowledge. To learn what we know in one hour is a bit of a stretch..but we will hit all the main points and set you on your path.
Order your first session now and we'll get started ASAP. You can book more than 1 hour now if you like. We recommend a 2 hour session. This can be done at one time...or spaced 2x 1 hour sessions on different days.
Job Ready Skills Session
Ordering any of our Services online is a great way to save time.
Simply place your order, and a Placed Australia Recruiter will be in contact with you within 24 hrs to get started.
You can contact us to find out more about any of the Resume's or Services we offer in out Online Shop.