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Meet the Team

Jay Baylis - Real Estate Recruiter Melbourne - Placed Australia_edited.jpg

Jay Baylis
Real Estate Recruiter 
(Melbourne & all VIC)
0429 982 373

Originally from the UK and now based in Melbourne, Jay brings a wealth of recruitment expertise to Placed Australia.


With extensive experience recruiting across the UK and Europe, primarily within the MedTech, BioTech, and Software sectors (tough markets), Jay has a proven track record of connecting top talent with leading organisations and is now lending his recruiting skills to the Real Estate sector for Placed Australia.


Jay is very thorough and naturally curious and has a knack for making people feel at ease with his polished English accent and ability to get his point across without being pushy. He is a dedicated Recruiter who has no problem dialing 100 + phone calls a day to uncover the right opportunities for his candidates or the right talent for his clients.


Jay specialises in recruiting for all Real Estate roles in both Residential & Commercial, including: Sales Agents, Sales Associates, Business Development Managers, Property Managers, Executive & Leadership Roles, Administrative, Reception and Support Staff.


Jay is a recruiter who dives in and gets the work done!

If you are looking to grow your Real Estate team or looking for a new Job, contact Jay directly on 0429 982 373 or drop an email at

Andrew Turnbull - Founder - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment
Andrew Turnbull - (Founder)
Real Estate Recruiter
Tia-Nikita Magdalinski - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment - Gold Coast
Tia-Nikita Magdalinski 
Real Estate Recruiter
Gold Coast & all QLD
Brandon Groves - Real Estate Recruiter - NSW - Placed Ausralia Real Estate Recruitment_edi
Brandon Groves
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all NSW
Lana Turnbull - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment
Lana Turnbull
EA, Admin
Taina Tebbi Profle Pic_edited.jpg
Tania Tebbit
Real Estate Recruiter
Gold Coast & all QLD
Jessica Roche - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment Brisbane
Jessica Roche
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all QLD
Shayna Rose - Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment - Sydney
Shayna Rose
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all NSW
Alicia Maneja - Real Estate Recruiter - Placed Australia Real Estate
Alicia Maneja
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all QLD
Owen Roberts
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all NSW
Jay Baylis - Real Estate Recruiter Melbourne - Placed Australia_edited.jpg
Jay Baylis
Real Estate Recruiter
Covering all VIC
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